Halifax Debt Freedom

Consolidate your debt and Become Debt Free in Bedford

  • Our plans are 100% legal and have helped thousands of families and individuals
  • We design your plan based upon your goals such as buying a house, afford retirement, or simply stopping the stress.
  • Our debt relief Halifax experts have assisted in restructuring millions of dollars of debt for Nova Scotia residents.
  • We work with our clients to help them get out of debt and more importantly stay out of debt.
  • Our free consultation comes with no pressure to sign contracts or obligations.

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Not enough people know about Bedford. That might be because the city got amalgamated into the Halifax Regional Municipality a mere 16 years after it was incorporated. Whatever the reason, it’s a shame. From gorgeous parks like DeWolf and Hemlock Ravine to incredible restaurants like Il Mercato and Resto, there’s a lot to see and do in the area. Too few Canadians have experienced Bedford Days, the joy of being so close to the Atlantic, or the incredible warmth of Bedford hospitality. We have a lot to give to the rest of the country and we’re proud of our roots.

One thing we’re not as proud of is the level of consumer debt in our area. Nova Scotia has some of the highest consumer credit card delinquency rates in the country. That means Nova Scotians aren’t paying off their credit cards on time which can adversely affect their credit scores and their ability to generate wealth. This is compounded by the fact that Canada has some of the highest consumer debt ratios in the world, and that things like higher education and housing are getting more expensive year after year.

We know this isn’t sustainable; that’s why we opened our office to serve the residents of Bedford. Our dream is to help everyone with too much debt get out from under that burden. We want to help you unlock your dreams, whether they be home ownership, a car, a post-secondary education, or simply freedom from the mental and physical anguish that uncertainty surrounding debt can bring.

Getting out of debt isn’t always easy; it can take hard work and a lot of strategizing. We’re in your corner. We’ll start with a free one-hour consultation allowing us to assess your overall financial health – strengths and weaknesses. From there, there are a number of things you might be able to do to reduce your debt load. You might be very fortunate and the plan to get out of debt might simply involve realigning some of your buying patterns. You might instead need debt consolidation, where many smaller, high-interest loans are consolidated into one large, lower interest loan, allowing you to make payments more easily.

Imagine a Debt-Free Future

You might need debt restructuring where we help you lower your debts and find a new affordable payment arrangement. You might need to file for bankruptcy – this is the last resort and often sounds scary, but it can be a valuable tool for getting out of debt that seems insurmountable. There are plenty of other tools in your financial toolbox – tools we’ll help you learn about.

Once you’re out of debt, you’ll need to rebuild your credit rating and you won’t have to do it alone. We’ll help you create a strategy for rebuilding your debt, a strategy that will include saving money to create a nest egg and getting your credit score high enough that you can apply for a mortgage. Your debt might seem too big to deal with, but we’re here to help. Trust the professionals – free yourself from debt and follow your dreams. 

97% of families successfully complete the plans we create and become debt free.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will it cost me to work with us?

Our office provides a free 1-hour information session, educating you about all the options available; Learn more about how to deal with overwhelming debt and bankruptcy alternatives.

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Do I get to keep any credit cards?

This largely depends on the type of restructuring used. If you file a Bankruptcy, then you cannot obtain or have any credit during this process. In other restructuring options, you can keep the credit card if it has a zero balance

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What is debt restructuring​?

Making the decision to restructure can be a difficult one for some people and it is important to understand both the benefits and implications of doing so.

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Will debt restructuring affect my credit rating?

Different restructuring options have different effects on your credit rating. As a general rule, any time you settle your debts at less than 100 cents on the dollar, it will have a negative effect on your credit rating. 4 Pillars has one of the most comprehensive credit rebuilding programs in Canada, to help you minimize the impact of debt restructuring on your credit rating.

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We can help you tackle your debt. Don’t wait.

Get debt free counselling services in Halifax today

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